Our Best Cases

Restarting in Apulia:
Alper and Cynthia's testimony

The Beginning

More and more people choose to buy a house and move to Puglia, charmed by the life style and the regional traditional heritage. Like Alper Ozdemir and Cynthia Liu, a Canadian couple that left Toronto to move to Castellana Grotte. He is a company director and she is a financial engineer, they decided, in their 50s, to change life, also encouraged by the benefits for those who move their residence to a municipality with less than 20,000 inhabitants. About 2 years ago, they moved to Valle d’Itria, where they are planning their retirement and they chose us as their property finder thanks to the recommendation of Sebastiano Canzano, their architect.

The evolution

We looked for the perfect solution for their needs, style and sensibility. When they decided to buy in Puglia, Alper and Cynthia knew their dream very well, but they didn’t know how to make it real. We helped them to do it, getting to know them day by day and falling in love with their curiosity and passion for new and different cultures. With a tailor-made job, we shaped their dreams.

The result: a new story

Il loro progetto esprime tantissimo la loro personalità, mette in evidenza il loro gusto internazionale e la loro visione della “pugliesità”.
Their project expresses a lot their personality, highlights their international taste and their vision of “pugliesita” .”. Fallen in love with the place, they live fascinated by the centuries-old history that surrounds them..It is nice to see our land through their happy eyes: it gives value to our daily work; we believe that relationships are the real strength of our commitment, with clients and colleagues. And this is precisely what the Wall Street Journal, one of the most widespread and authoritative international newspapers in the world, narrates in detail, which involved Uliveus, thanks to its know-how, in an article on the appeal and economic reliability of a real estate investment in our area. We talk about visions and projects, trust and relationships.
nel nostro territorio. Raccontiamo visioni e progetti, fiducia e legami.

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you to experience the feeling of truly being in the right place. Our professionalism and our passion for your projects.

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